
Chris Kirubi: Conquer fear of failure and get moving

Industrialist Chris Kirubi is a household name in Kenya.

His popularity emanates from his vast businesses that have spread beyond Kenya. To many young people, he is the epitome of success and also a mentor scores for both the young and old.

In recognition of his status within the society, Kirubi has been encouraging and guiding young people on how to achieve success.

In whipping up the spirit of starting independent ventures by youths, the business mogul in a series of tweets advises them to learn how to overcome the fear of failure because it has held back many from realizing their full potential.

“Overcome your fear. There is no such thing as a wrong decision because you can learn from all situations,” advises Kirubi. “All decisions with a negative output or result remains a learning experience. Never to be repeated in the same manner.”

He goes on to underscore the importance of adding value to oneself through capitalizing on opportunities at hand and reading.

“Your opportunity is what you have at the moment…..Do the best you can in the one opportunity you have been given so that it can mature and pave way for other opportunities. You determine your success.”

The billionaire businessman borrowing a quote from Ivan Turgenev notes that there will never be a perfect moment to begin; the moment is now.

“If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin,” Turgenev quote reads.

Lastly, he advises that even in the absence of education qualifications, “you can invest your time in gaining as much experience as possible and build an outstanding portfolio.”

Kirubi heavily invested in the media industry; runs the Haco Industries, owns shares in Centum-one of Kenya’s largest investment portfolios among other interests including the largest mall in East Africa, Two Rivers in Ruaka.

