
Criminal lawyer Cliff Ombeta hospitalized after heart attack scare

Cliff Ombeta
Lawyer Cliff Ombeta. [Photo: Star]

Revered criminal lawyer Cliff Ombeta is currently admitted to hospital after a heart attack.

He is at the Nairobi Hospital where he is receiving treatment.

Ombeta on Saturday went public with his status saying that doctors diagnosed him with high cholesterol levels which caused the heart attack.

“I was admitted at the Nairobi Hospital after suffering an attack. Doctors said that the chest pains were caused by cholesterol. Can you believe that? Yes, it is true,” he tweeted.

He captioned the tweet with a photo of him in high dependency unit (HDU).

For the last couple of month, Ombeta has been sharing snippets of his weight loss journey with Kenyans.

In one of his posts on Twitters, he shared a video of him on high intensity interval training with a mallet hitting a tractor’s tyre.

In another one, he is seen boxing. On January 25, he excitedly shared news of losing 9kgs.

“All the excess (9kgs) gone,” he said.

High cholesterol levels in the body lead to the fatty deposits on blood vessels. As it increases, the, they grow bigger and block the flow of blood to the arteries.

When the fatty deposits break, they form a clot which blocks blood supply to the heart. As a result, a heart attacks comes about or a stroke.

Medically, the buildup of the fatty deposits is known as cholesterol plaque.

To avoid suffering from this condition, persons aged 20 and above are asked to get tested often in order to establish id or not you have high cholesterol levels in the body.

Also, you are advised to keep away from foods with saturated fats. Use products with unsaturated fats such as butter or extra virgin olive oil, take lean meat and nuts in place of processed and fried foods such as chips.

