
Feel betrayed? Here’s how to overcome it

How to rise above betrayal. []

Betrayal is one of the hardest things to overcome; be it by family, a friend or a lover.

Many at times, it has plunged many to incessant emotional trauma and plunged others to various addictions which end up ruining their lives.

But is there a way to overcome betrayal and rise above it?

Pastor Willy Odendo and also a motivational speaker recently shared insights on how to overcome betrayal and move on with life.

His first point in overcoming betrayal was accepting that it has happened.

“Accepting that is the first step to stopping the bleeding,” he said on Citizen TV adding that many people will take even years to accept this.

In acceptance, he said, there is an opportunity in recalibrating yourself, which is very important in life development.

Wallowing in self-pity and anger only makes the situation worse, he noted.

The second step is forgiveness. In forgiveness, he added, comes peace of mind which is crucial because you are able to make sound and informed decisions about your life and other people.

Without forgiveness, the likelihood of making myopic and uninformed decisions is quite high because you are acting on pain and anguish inflicted on you by somebody else.

Thirdly, if you find yourself in a situation where you feel betrayed, it is advisable to talk to someone you trust about it. Get to your breaking point and release the pressure in you. This helps in rebuilding your inner strength.

Fourth, it is important to rediscover the inner child in you-do things that made you happy in the past which could be swimming, cooking, writing, dancing among others. This helps in motivation and creates and a feeling of excitement in life.

Another thing, “love deeply but choose slowly.”

