
Anti-IEBC demos leave one dead in Siaya County

Monday’s protest by NASA against the IEBC left one man dead in Siaya County.

The 41-year old died as a result of shock according to eye witnesses.

Celestine Achieng’, an eye witness according to Daily Nation said the man was in the company of a multitude of youths who were passing by the county commissioner’s office.

He met his death after the youths decided to storm the compound prompting police officers to lob teargas canisters at them.

Red Cross officials who attended to the man immediately he passed out pronounced him dead.

He is reported to have been on his way from Siaya County Referral Hospital where he collected some medication.

Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga and Alego Usonga MP Samuel Atandi blamed police for the death of the 41-year old.

The governor said police flouted the Constitution by failing to provide security to innocent citizens.

He threatened to take action again them should government fail to compensate the family if the deceased.

“It’s high time the police adhered to the constitution. We will not sit and watch the police receive orders that are against the constitution leading to the killing of unarmed citizens,” he said.

Christine Ombaka (Woman rep) and Siaya County Assembly Speaker George Okode maintained IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba must leave the commission.


By Pharis Kinyua. He’s an online Journalist and an author for Jamhuri News.

